Life is starting to pick back up for us now that we're through the holiday season and all the colds that always seem to tag along. I've decided to start blogging some more random stuff from our lives because, why not?
That being said I'd like to tell you about the world's greatest shoes.
I am a sneakers and flip-flops kind of girl. I CANNOT suffer through an uncomfortable pair of shoes no matter how stylish they may be. If my feet hurt then I shut down and can't go on. And if I wear heels I look like a drag queen. I have purchased too many shoes in vain looking for something that I can wear for weddings that are comfortable and disappear visually. Enter TOMS. They're like being barefoot. We both wear them for weddings and I've worn mine almost every day since I bought them last spring. I've even had to sew the toes closed after I wore them through. I guess it's time to pick up a new pair for wedding season. And I think I need the chocolate brown boots...
The best part about TOMS Shoes is that for every pair you buy a pair is given to a child in need somewhere in the world. So when it comes down to it, you're the most heartless person ever if you don't buy a pair today.
Something else that I am quite fond of these days are cupcakes. Upon moving to Southern California we quickly discovered
Sprinkles Cupcakes. If we are ever anywhere remotely near Newport Beach we have to stop in and stock up. Since it's a little far for us I've determined to start creating the perfect cupcake on my own.

This last batch aren't exactly the prettiest things I've made so far, but they taste pretty darn good. Vanilla cake with cream cheese & dark chocolate frosting. They started off well, but once they came out of the oven they collapsed over the edges. But it's what inside that counts, right?